5 Ways to Stop Wasting Water

Whether you’re interested in saving money or saving the earth, there are a few ways to stop wasting water. One of the first steps to take is to cut back on the amount of water you use.

If you’re in the habit of running the hose while you brush your teeth, for instance, there’s a good chance that you’re not only wasting water, but money as well. You can also conserve freshwater by avoiding using the shower, for example, or by reusing greywater from washing your car.

You should stop wasting water when watering your garden. If there are leaking pipes, you should repair them.

Stop wasting water when taking a shower

You can save money and protect the environment by reducing the amount of water you use when showering. Showering is a way to cleanse and hydrate the skin. However, it also uses a lot of water. In fact, it is the third largest water consumption for an average home.

The standard shower head can use up to 2.5 gallons of water per minute. The average shower is eight minutes long and if you shave three minutes off of it, you will save 7.5 gallons. This can cut down on your monthly utility bill.

Another thing to keep in mind is that every drop of water you use requires energy to heat it. A five-minute shower can use as much energy as a 60-watt light bulb for 22 hours.

Avoiding running the water while brushing teeth

One of the best ways to save the environment is by avoiding running the water while brushing your teeth. In fact, if you want to save water, you should put your toothbrush on a nightstand instead of on the kitchen counter.

This will reduce your environmental footprint by a considerable amount. For example, the EPA estimates that you are using about four gallons of water while brushing your teeth per day.

The aforementioned gallons can be better spent on other things like gardening or even cooking. If you need a reminder, you could place a sticky note on the bathroom mirror.

Using a broom instead of a hose

Using a broom instead of a hose is not only a good idea for your wallet, it’s also a good idea for the environment. A broom uses less water than a traditional hose and leaves a much nicer looking surface.

In fact, you can get your money’s worth out of a broom, thanks to its ability to clean a whole driveway or sidewalk in one pass.

Not to mention that the average lawn in the United States requires about 400 gallons of water a day to survive. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a gardening expert to figure out that you can save some water by trimming the grass and keeping the mulch around your trees and shrubs in tact.

5 Ways to Stop Wasting Water
5 Ways to Stop Wasting Water

Reusing greywater

If you want to reduce the amount of water you waste, you might consider reusing greywater. This wastewater can be used for various purposes and is generally cleaner than sewage. It also reduces your demand on the public water supply.

Reusing greywater for household purposes is legal in many states in the U.S. and in some western states. However, certain local authorities in some parts of the country restrict its use.

Greywater can be used for gardening or for irrigation. However, it must be treated before reuse. Generally, this involves disinfection.

Reusing greywater can save you money on your water bills, and can help reduce the load on your sewage treatment systems. It also helps your local ecosystems.

Conserving freshwater

If you’re looking to save the earth and a few bucks, a few simple tricks to conserve your water can make the grade. It’s not hard to see why water conservation is becoming a top priority as we’re facing shortages all over the world, not to mention the need to reduce the global footprint on this precious resource.

The big question is how to cut back on water use without compromising quality of life. A few easy to do tricks can help keep your water bill low and your water quality high. These include fixing leaky faucets and toilets, installing low flow showerheads and aerators, using the proper shower curtain and using less water for washing and bathing.

Related Article: Garden Water Features

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